Nicole Kidman’s Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Nicole Kidman’s Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Get all the facts about the Australian Actress and producer Nicole Kidman’s workout routine and diet plan and also find out how this mum of four kids maintains her lean and toned physique at the age of 55.

Her full name is Nicole Mary Kidman she was born on June 20, 1967, in Honolulu, Hawaii. If you like watching movies like me, you have probably seen at least one where she is starring.

Nicole has starred in different notable movies like  Days of Thunder,  Far and Away,  To Die For,  The Hours, Batman Forever, Aquaman, etc, And because of her amazing talent, she is among the world’s highest-paid actresses.

Nicole Kidman is a mother of four and she is in her mid-50s but her fitness levels are like that of a 20 years athlete.

So in this article, we will be giving all the details about Nicole Kidman’s workout routine and diet plan that enables her to stay fit and lean throughout the year. Just keep reading on.

Nicole Kidman’s Workout Routine

Nicole Kidman’s Workout Routine

Image source @nicolekidman Instagram

Nicole Kidman’s discipline of exercising and staying fit comes right back from her family she stated in her own words and said;

“I really believe in exercising. I grew up with the dad who would make us work out.”

Nicole Kidman’s workout routine mostly focuses on keeping fit and active. It consists of different physical activities that enable her to stay in great shape, and improve her flexibility, agility, and overall athleticism.

Nicole makes sure to give a few hours every single day to work on her body, basically, we can say she is a workout fanatic. So what does Nicole Kidman do for exercise? Let’s find out.


When it comes to cardio Nicole likes to go for a walk or a run in her neighborhood in Nashville because the weather is usually warm on that side. Both walking and running are basic cardio that she likes to include in her workout routine because she believes that walking especially is effective at burning excess fat because it keeps the body in fat burning zone.

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Another form of cardio that Nicole likes to perform is spinning. A spinning session helps work on her leg muscles by toning and strengthening them plus giving her a decent cardio workout.

Nicole also likes performing other activities like playing tennis, cycling in the gym, etc. basically she likes staying active throughout the day.

Resistance training

Her resistance training routine does not focus on exercises that build muscle it instead consists of exercises that are in cardio form like swimming, running, and spinning.

Nicole claims that swimming gives her a great resistance training workout. Because it needs a decent amount of upper, and lower body strength plus endurance. Swimming also helps in improving her muscle tone and gives her an athletic look.

Nicole also likes performing yoga for her resistance training workout, although yoga is usually used for stretching and as a way to relax, it can also be used in muscle toning.

Nicole usually goes to vinyasa or ashtanga yoga classes, and these can be a very good form of resistance training. Because of that many women find them very helpful in toning their bodies. It seems it is also working for Nicole.

Nicole Kidman’s Diet Plan

Nicole Kidman's diet plan

Image source @nicolekidman Instagram

Nicole Kidman does not follow any specific diet plan and she doesn’t restrict herself from food. She eats anything she wants but in moderation.

Usually, she follows an 80% to 20% diet plan. This means that she makes 80% of her diet full of healthy and nutritious food items like fresh fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains.

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But for the rest of the 20%, she eats less healthy food items like fried foods, processed foods, sugar, and many more. Her favorite meal in the less healthy food is pizza with truffles.

Nicole Kidman’s diet plan consists of 3 major meals, and below we have a list of them in the way she likes to have them;

Meal 1- Breakfast

  • Fruits
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Toast
  • Homemade jam
  • Coffee (optional)

Meal 2- Lunch

  • Salad (made with carrots, parsnips, turnips, frisée, rutabagas, pomegranate seeds, Fuyu persimmons, black pepper, thyme, white wine, olive oil, and white vinegar)

Meal 3- Dinner

  • Green beans
  • Pasta with clams Or
  • A variation of the Italian dish spaghetti alle vongole

 Besides eating clean and healthy food items, Nicole also makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep her body hydrated.

Nicole Kidman’s Supplements

Nicole Kidman takes the following supplement to help fuel her gains;

  •  Matcha green tea
  • Multivitamin supplement
  • Vitamin C supplement

These mentioned supplements also help in regulating cholesterol levels, improving digestion, burning fat, filling up for nutritional deficiencies, and of hair, skin, and nail health in check.

Wrapping Up

Well, that’s all we have for you about Nicole Kidman’s workout routine and diet plan, but the most important lesson we can learn from her is she doesn’t treat staying fit as a trend but rather as a lifestyle.

And if you also want to get fit and lean you should consider doing the same, it’s not all about losing or gaining weight, and stopping when you get the results or when you fail, it’s all about changing your lifestyle that’s how you get long-term success.

You don’t need to have a gym membership to be fit, even performing simple outdoor activities can work wonders in improving your physical health, if you stay consistent.

And when it comes to diet try to eat as healthy as possible you don’t have to starve yourself to get lean. Just eat healthy food that will provide your body with essential nutrients that will give you the best results.

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