Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss in 2022, Her Workout And Diet Plan.

Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss

Grab all the details of the American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman Jessica Simpson’s weight loss. Find out about her workout routine and diet plan and see her before and after pictures. 

Her full name is Jessica Ann Simpson she was born July 10, 1980, in  Abilene, Texas. She started her singing career at a young age in the church choir.

When she was 17 she signed with Colombia Records and made her first studio album called Sweet Kisses, which sold 2 million copies across the United States.

Besides her fantastic singing career, Jessica Simpson also launched a fashion line of clothing called  The Jessica Simpson Collection in 2005. This fashion line has made around $1 billion in revenue.

Jessica Simpson’s success is very inspiring and we can spend all this article talking about it, but today am sure you clicked this article to find out about her weight loss journey which was quite similar to Doja Cats weight loss workout routine!

 Well, you are not alone most of her fans have questions like how did Jessica Simpson lose weight, did Jessica Simpson have gastric surgery, and what do Jessica Simpson’s workout routine and diet plan look like.

If you’re one of her followers with the same questions, keep reading because I will answer all the questions about Jessica Simpson’s weight loss in this article from her diet plan to her fitness routine.

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How Did Jessica Simpson Lose Weight?

jessica simpson Diet Plan

Image source @jessicasimpson Instagram

Jessica Simpson has not only lost weight once or twice she has been able to lose weight three times and this time she lost almost 100 pounds.

After giving birth to her third child Birdie Mae Jessica posted a picture on her Instagram account celebrating losing 100 pounds and being able to wear a bikini again.

Most of her fans, primarily those struggling with losing pregnancy weight, wonder how Jessica Simpson lost the weight. Let’s find out,

With the help of her long-time trainer Harley Pasternak who put her on the task of getting 14,000 steps every day, helped Jessica lost weight the right way. She started with 6000 steps per day and she went on progressing slowly by slowly.

In an exclusive interview with E! News, Jessica Simpson’s trainer said,

“It had to be more than just getting back from her baby weight, but how do I keep whatever I am doing now forever. That’s why we are not a big fan of doing any extreme diet or radical forms of exercise,” 

Harley also helped Jessica to find a healthy diet plan for her with the foods she loved. He said the goal was not to stop her from having her favorite foods but instead to add some healthy foods to her meals such as adding lean protein and vegetables.

He also advised Jessica to have enough sleep at least seven to eight hours of sleep because sleep is very important if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good.

It might seem like an easy thing to lose weight but it took Jessica Simpson three years to lose her and be able to wear her bikini again. She started by making small lifestyle changes which enabled her to lose weight safely.

So if you’re also planning to start your weight loss journey just keep in mind that it takes time but if you do everything right it will be worth it. Just don’t give up early.

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Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss Workout Routine

Jessica Simpson workout routine

Image source @jessicasimpson Instagram

Jessica Simpson’s workout started with having 6000 steps a day and she progressed to 14,000 steps a day. According to her trainer, she started adding bodyweight workouts to her daily steps.

Although her exact workout routine is not yet shared with her fans here is a workout routine that will help you lose weight as Jessica Simpson did.

We will be working out 3 days using bodyweight and cardio and doing other activities in the remaining days as you can see in the table below.

                                                    Jessica Simpson’s Workout Plan


  Sets x Reps/Duration

                        Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Cardio and Bodyweight workout


Varied Cardio (elliptical, treadmill, bike)

20-30 minutes

Walking Lunges

3 x 60 reps

Second Pike Plank

3 x 60 seconds

Reverse Lunges

3 x 60 reps

Glute Bridges

3 x 60 reps

Skater Lunges

3 x 60 reps

Plank Hold

3 x 60 seconds

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday- Hiking or cardio (30-60 mins) or sports (60+ minutes)


Sunday- Rest


 Jessica Simpon’s Weight Loss Diet Plan

Jessica Simpson’s diet plan mostly includes lean protein and vegetables, she also drinks a lot of water. Like her workout routine also her exact diet plan is not yet shared with her fans.

But you don’t have to worry about that because am going to give you a diet plan you can follow which will help you lose weight. Let’s get to it.


Jessica Simpon’s Diet Plan


Meal 1- Breakfast


 Oatmeal with fruits, almond butter with Scandinavian crackers


Meal 2- Snacks


    Salad and fruits


Meal 3- Lunch


     Grilled shrimp, quinoa with black beans and veggies


Meal 4- Snacks


  Almond and veggies


Meal 5- Dinner


   Chicken breast or fish, rice, veggies



Jessica Simpson’s weight loss is inspiring to all women with pregnancy weight, she was able to lose the baby weight 3 times. So this shows that you can also do it.

You just have to make small lifestyle changes that will turn into big achievements and remember to be consistent and be patient because losing weight takes time but if you dont give up will be happy with the results. 

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