Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Journey


No, Rebel Wilson hasn’t been at the magic weight loss pills – even though her pictures suggest otherwise. She simply made 2020 her Year of Health – and went on the fitness journey of a lifetime.

She has lost over 80lbs and managed to reach her goal weight – and, most importantly ‘Fat Amy’ is now ‘Fit Amy – and she is the happiest she has ever been having become the healthiest version of herself. She now wants to encourage people who are unhappy with their current lifestyle to lose weight – and become happier and healthier versions of themselves.

As well as promoting her most recent film, Senior Year, she has also been promoting her new body on social media platforms. She has always been very open about her weight loss journey – and so we are here to share exactly how the Australian native did it.

A Desire for Motherhood

Rebel Wilson has made no secret of her struggle with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which has an effect on fertility. It might cause enlarged ovaries, meaning that they don’t function properly.

After visiting a fertility doctor, she was advised that being a ‘certain weight’ would affect fertility and her chances of conception and she would have a better chance of harvesting and freezing her eggs if she dropped some weight.

This came as a shock to the Hustle star, who admitted that she had the tendency to emotionally eat. At first, she went on the defensive about the different body types until she came to understand that she was, indeed, carrying around a lot of excess weight. It was the thought of motherhood and the future child’s needs that sparked the change.

Rebel Wilson has always wanted to have a family and at the age of 42, time isn’t her friend. Whether or not she finds the right person – or whether she has, who knows? But she wants to be in perfect health when the time is right.

Although her desire to be a mom sparked the desire, she realized that it was also for her own needs as well. Any woman who has had weight issues or fertility issues will find it easy to relate to – and she’s making the changes while she is still young enough to do so.

Eating Protein

Rebel Wilson said that her journey began with the introduction of a high-protein diet. Before this, she would regularly eat over 3,000 calories per day – mostly carbs… and still often felt hungry. The change wasn’t easy as she wasn’t a regular meat eater, but now a lot of her diet consists of fish and chicken.

Although the year of Covid was an emotional rollercoaster for everyone, it did focus Rebel Wilson’s mind on her own life. It caused her to slow down and change her bad habits to better ones. She could focus on controlling her emotional eating and find a personal trainer!

Rebel admits that she would often feel sad and have negative self-worth – and she spent more time working on her own self-esteem. However, she doesn’t deprive herself, that’s for sure! She is simply trying to maintain her current weight – and sometimes enjoys the occasional treats such as chocolate and ice cream, to make it more maintainable.

It’s all about balance. She has the mindset that nothing is forbidden – she allows herself the occasional treat and it helps her to stay focused. Fancy an In n Out burger and a few fries? eat half and leave it – it’s all about an overall healthy and nutritional lifestyle.

Different Attitudes

One thing she has noticed is that since the weight loss, people have started to treat her differently. When she was bigger, people didn’t look twice at her but since she lost weight, people are much kinder.

Although people’s attitudes may have changed, her self-confidence hasn’t. Rebel Wilson’s confidence has always been a strength – she has always been an outgoing and vibrant person.

Since she started working out with her personal trainer, her body confidence has exploded – and she’s never been more active on Instagram than she is now.

But she’s not stopping on the Social Media posts any time soon, that’s for sure – and why should she? She now loves being confident enough to pose in a sporty one-piece when on vacation. She is even considering moving to the Sunshine State where she can spend even more time on the beach! She’s now ready for a hot girl summer just like we have covered in Doja Cat Weight Loss, Diet And Workout Routine Of 2021/22!

Although she has already hit her goal weight, she’s not losing focus. Now she’s there. She wants to maintain her healthy eating habits and exercise routine that she started in her 2020 Year of Health.

2020 – A Focus on the Future

The start of her journey was back in 2020 – the Year of Health when she started to prioritize a good diet, exercising, and reaching her goal weight of 165 lbs. However, she didn’t look for a diet pill or a miracle weight loss pill, it’s all about healthy eating and exercise.

Her plans were first revealed on her Instagram account in January 2020 – and it simply started with making some smart food swaps and finding time to walk more. She put on her athleisure and powered around the town, keeping plenty of water by her side. She then tried to cut down on sugar and junk food – and tried to be as good during the holidays as possible.

Since then, her fans have been her biggest cheerleaders and she’s noticed this with gratitude. She constantly thanks her fans and Insta followers for giving her love – which has helped her step away from the candies in moments of weakness. Seeing those comments helps her to seek out a bottle of water after dinner instead of more snacks.

We have been able to follow her journey with her. She has uploaded progress pictures of her gorgeous views as she walks, sharing with us how far away she is from reaching her goal weight. Her personal trainer is a fan of shorting progress pictures of her good shape – and we’ll find out why later.

She’s not all about killing herself at the gym, she simply wants to enjoy exercise and physical activity – making it easier to maintain in the long run.

Rebel Wilson’s Workouts

Rebel Wilson works out with her trainer, Jono Castano, up to seven days a week… she doesn’t cut herself any slack! whether it be walking or flipping tires, she changes it up.

She even filmed herself flipping tires in her fitness session – calling out her famously fit Australian friends, Chris and Liam Hemsworth.

As well as tire flipping, she runs up and down the stairs, hits the battle ropes, and has become a fan of HIIT – High-Intensity Interval Training. All the while her trainer is cheering her on in the background

Check out Rebel Wilson’s Instagram account and you will regularly see her latest workouts if you’re looking for a bit of inspiration.

She also makes sure that she always makes time for workouts as well, even when she is busy. If she’s on a film set with long days, she will head out for early morning hikes.

When she’s super busy, she makes sure she gets up a few hours earlier to do a hike or even a few sprints (which she describes as a slow jog for others) – anything that gets the heart rate pumping a bit higher.

Her secret weapon is simple – it’s simply walking. She has had all sorts of hi-tech tests done on her body and the result was simply that walking is the best way for her to lose any excess body weight. Nothing more complicated than that.

She has also shared an Instagram post or two from her outdoor strolls… enjoying early morning walks amongst health treatments at her favorite spas – and making sure that she finishes her Year of Health off just as strong as she started it.

A Difficult Journey

Rebel Wilson has made it no secret that her weight loss journey hasn’t been easy. She has declared that even when she has felt as though she was crawling towards her goals – she has kept on going and that’s what makes it all worth it. It’s all about putting in a bit of effort every single day. Even when there are days that are frustrating and tiresome and even when there are days when she has felt like giving up and has been annoyed at the lack of progress, it’s all about knowing that better things are on their way. It’s all about hitting the yearly goal.

It seems that all of the hard work and dedication are paying off. The results are undeniable and she has never looked better.

Honesty and Openness About Weight Loss Goals

In the summer, Rebel opened up to the public about her exact weight loss goal, even though she has since deleted the post. She stated that her aim was to reach an all-time low weight of 75kg. But that wasn’t her only yearly goal. She is still a beloved and famous movie star. She wanted to expand her career by getting her own team and getting one of her own movies into production.

Both of these goals require effort every single day – and both goals will see tougher times and setbacks, but it’s all about hard work.

Fighting Against Emotional Eating

Towards the end of 2020, she opened up on National TV, when being interviewed by Drew Barrymore on the Drew Barrymore show exactly what the journey has been like for her.

She spoke candidly about having tried out different fads and diets before, but this time she went into it with a more holistic approach – which meant a focus on not just her physical health but also her emotional and mental health.

She has often admitted that one of her biggest downfalls was emotional eating and the stress and anxiety that came with becoming famous on the international stage. In the beginning, her way of dealing with this was to eat sugary snacks and donuts. The new approach meant looking at the mental side of things – asking why she reacted like that and why didn’t she value herself enough with more self-worth

Back in November 2020, she did say that she still wanted to lose a few more pounds, but she didn’t want to get super skinny. Rebel has made it clear that she loves curves and she, in no way, wants to ever get to the super skinny look. She simply wants to feel healthy.

These physician and mental changes have also edged their way into her career as well – and she has credited this with finding herself and coming into her own.

This has given her a feeling of being more in control. Now she has more control, she even gets to produce her own movies, which is incredible – and she also gets more control over the content. It all seems to be coming together and, whether or not she’s a slow bloomer, it’s all coming together now.

Rebel Wilsons Weight Loss Routine is A Marathon Not a Sprint

According to Wilson’s trainer, Castano, she had the perfect idea by labeling it her ‘Year of Health’. Many people go into their weight loss goals without realizing how long a body transformation might take. Changing the body in the long term means making lifestyle changes that you can stick to.

The first thing people need to understand is exactly where they are at and where their journey is starting. They need to know important information about muscle mass and body fat. What often happens with a lot of people is they keep weighing themselves and don’t understand why the scales are going down. They don’t understand that body composition is changing – less fat and more muscle mass.

The body often starts looking better more quickly than the scales start dropping. As such, he believes in taking progress pictures during the journey and using this as a tool when losing weight instead of simply just the set of bathroom scales.

With any type of body transformation, it isn’t always about choosing the easiest obvious option. Realistically, a couple of months isn’t enough time to be able to make real changes to your body – and fad diets aren’t always the answer in the long term.

If you try to overhaul yourself in two months then this means putting a lot of stress on yourself. If you expect a quick fix and drastic weight loss and you don’t achieve it, then this can even affect your mental health. So realistically you need to keep your goals manageable so that you achieve them step by step and keep progressing from there.

It’s also much easier to make permanent changes to your lifestyle with the mindset that they are going to be long-term changes.

When transforming yourself, the journey never really ends – so you can’t simply give yourself 2 or 3 months. The journey continues – once you have managed to reach your target weight what then? You can’t simply stop and go back to your previous habits – the weight will just pile on. It has to become a lifestyle and you need to grow into the very best version of yourself.

Keep On Smiling

Just like Rebel, you need to keep up your humor and smiles as you go on your journey.

The blond Pitch Perfect star has always kept her sense of humor. Whether she is showing off her fabulous new bod on a luxury yacht or covering up whilst out jet-skiing, there is always a smiley face and a jokey caption.

Even when on vacation she still likes to share a jokey glimpse into her holiday workout routine. It has, in the past, even included doing bicep curls with 4.5 liters of Grey Goose vodka! Not a bad way to tone up the arms – and even more fun if you want to lighten the eights a little!

Society deems that we all live up to certain expectations – and she has certainly had to face some societal bias regarding weight and health. However, this hasn’t been about diet pills. She has done all these amazing things by going on a solid health mission and dealing with her emotional issues.

Now she’s had her Hot Girl Summer – it seems that Rebel has found her happy place and she has learned to love herself and become the super confident woman we are used to seeing on the silver screen.


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