6 Peloton Rides That Burn The Most Calories in 2022

Peloton Rides That Burn The Most Calories

As people realize that cycling or bike riding is a good exercise for weight loss, its popularity increases, and more people choose it as a reliable option for burning calories. but which peloton rides burn the most calories?

This article will discuss the 6 peloton rides that burn the most calories which are: Power Zone Endurance Ride, Tabata Ride, Power Pro Cyclist Ride, HIIT and Hills Ride, Climb Rides, and Peloton Bike Training.

Also, it will tell you the best approach to use while doing the exercises so you can burn as many calories as you want.

Peloton Rides That Burn The Most Calories

Here is a list of the 6 peloton rides that will burn the most calories:

  • Power Zone Endurance Ride

The ‘Power Zone Endurance Ride’ takes the lead on the list of the 6 peloton rides that burn the most calories. It is a 90-minutes exercise that contains a series of intervals, which can help you burn 800 to 1200 kilocalories per session. It is designed to also increase the stamina, muscles, and endurance of the participants, and improve their heart rate and overall health while helping them to burn calories. 

It is a great exercise for people who want to lose weight as its effect is felt on all muscle groups consistently. In this riding exercise, you will sit on the saddle throughout the entire duration of the workout while your resistance is gradually built up. How far you can go in riding determines the number of calories you will burn, so the higher you go, the more calories you burn.

While doing the exercise, some instructors might introduce some power drills, climbs, and intervals where you have to move up and down from the bike’s saddle, but doing this can drain your energy quickly. This bike workout is great for people who are avoiding knee injuries or are trying to heal a knee injury because it doesn’t stress the knee.

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  • Tabata Ride

Tabata Ride is a peloton riding exercise that can help you to burn up to 400 calories per session, and the outcome is usually measured by the heart rate as well as the time spent on running and resting. It is a 10 to 30 minutes run, and the goal is to get rid of fat from the body, so you need to track your progress and do it correctly if you want to get good results.

While performing the exercise, you have to be balanced (not too hard and not too light) because having an imbalance will make your body not be able to handle the effort you’re putting in, thereby increasing the possibility of you getting injured. This exercise is also an interval workout, but has a longer riding period than the resting period, unlike the HIIT exercise. A Tabata workout may be short, but you will feel the calories burning.

Many fitness and sporting programs have used this exercise to improve the performance of their participants because running at a high intensity can improve performance by 30%, and that’s exactly what this exercise does.

  • Power Pro Cyclist Ride

Power Pro Cyclist Ride is a peloton riding exercise that combines cycling, cardio, and training to build both power and endurance to achieve maximum results. It’s done by pedaling as hard as possible for 5 to 10 minutes and stopping for about 10 to 15 minutes, then pedaling again for another 5 to 10 minutes.

In this exercise, you can burn about 1000 calories per session, and it lasts for about 45 minutes (minimum) and 60 minutes (maximum). It is a hill-climbing exercise that helps to build resistance and endurance, but the number of calories you will burn while at it depends on your effort and the level of energy you put into it.

However, note that this exercise is not meant for beginners as it is too rigorous.

  • HIIT and Hills Ride

HIIT and Hills Ride are types of exercises that can be done on a treadmill or a bike, which combines both standing and sitting (if it’s a bike) on the saddle while riding. It can also be referred to as interval training or sprinting.

In this exercise, you will run for about an hour with running intervals of 30 minutes which will help you to burn about 500 kilocalories per session while resting. While running, the body’s need for energy increases to take care of the increasing resistance, and this can make the body burn up to 1000 kilocalories in total in an effective HIIT and Hills workout session.

During HIIT, you will run at a high speed for a short time, while during the Hills Ride, you will run at a high speed over a long distance of about 20km. These two exercises improve aerobic abilities and endurance because the ride will concentrate more on resistance which increases your body’s rate of metabolism.

  • Climb Rides

Just like the HIIT exercise, this exercise is a great option for building resistance. They are usually short and last for a maximum of 20 minutes, but the energy required to climb mountain tops and hills will eventually burn the calories.

This exercise is suitable for people who want to see results within a few weeks of starting the session.

While performing the exercise, you have to move to and from standing up and sitting down on the saddle to help you sweat extremely and get the calories out.

Also read about; Peloton Workout Plan for Weight Loss

  • Peloton Bike Training

Peloton bike training is a peloton bike riding exercise that takes turns with floor strength training, and the duration for both exercises is very short which will require you to use extra energy, and that means more burning of calories.

With this demanding exercise, you are sure of burning a minimum of 500 calories because the period you will be on the bike together with the time you perform the floor exercises will stretch your body till even the hidden calories are burned.

Have fun burning calories with Peloton rides indoors

burning calories with Peloton rides indoors

To make indoor cycling even more fun, Peloton apps allow you to virtually cycle on the world’s most beautiful and challenging roads. This way you stay fully motivated to start your training and then complete it thoroughly. 

Because you don’t have to pay attention to the road while cycling, you can of course also turn on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone and watch your favorite series or movie while cycling. 


Can I Burn More Calories With a Peloton Bike?

Burning more calories with a peloton bike is possible when you eat something like a very small portion of food or fruit, at least one hour before cycling. Doing this gives you extra energy and improves the burning of calories. Do not ride on an empty stomach.


Peloton rides that burn the most calories are the Power Zone Endurance Ride, Tabata Rides, Power Pro Cyclist Ride, HIIT and Hills Ride, Climb Rides, and Peloton Bike Training.

Getting the best result depends mostly on the intensity of your training, your resistance, and your endurance level. You can switch rides to get a maximum calorie-burning result from the exercise.

Tip: To determine the number of calories you burn in any riding session, measure your body temperature.

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