Lean Building

Lean Building

Product Name: Lean Building


As you know, I am huge fan of DECISIVE ACTION and I’m pumped to be able to grant some epic bonuses for those who are HELL YESSES for FBA.

If you enroll in FBA between now and THIS Thursday September 21st, you’ll enjoy…

All bonuses expire this Tuesday September 21st at 9am PST.

If you’re like most of my previous FBA students, chances are you have the motivation and desire, but the WHERE THE HECK DO I START and AM I DOING THE RIGHT THING questions pop up often.

You have limited time and a whole lot of other priorities competing for your time, so you want to make sure that if you’re going to REALLY do this thing, you don’t waste precious time and energy.

And with SO many business coaches, programs and schools of thought out there, it’s no wonder you get frustrated and just keep putting it off.

OR, you start doing some stuff for a while only to feel overwhelmed and eventually quit.

OR, you feel intimidated by the amount of people already doing it with success that you wonder WHY ME? IS IT EVEN WORTH TRYING??

There is real urgency in the online space.

NOT because online business is going away (in fact it’s only getting bigger, especially given that the pandemic brought so many clients online too!), but because as a personal brand you are in the Trust Business.

People will want to invest with if they know you, like you and TRUST you.


As much as I wish it weren’t the case, you can’t just show up online, throw a few posts up on social and ask for money (I mean, you can but you’ll probably get no bites and you’ll end up feeling more deflated than ever),

I don’t want that for you.


You don’t have to go “all in” but you do have to start putting your footprint down, building your body of work, sooner rather than later. Every single bit of effort counts, it all goes into the collective personal “brand” that is your reputation, your results, your REVENUE.

I see so many talented coaches and trainers NOT starting because they’re overwhelmed, confused or just assume they’re supposed to know what to do.

You’re a coach or a trainer or a clinician. Business is a whole different skill set. Which is why you hire someone to help you learn it and more importantly, implement it.

That’s why you’re here. Because the things you’ve tried on your own aren’t working, or at least they’re not working at the pace you want them to.


Online business-building is like learning a new language, or a musical instrument. You need a teacher, then you need to practice, then you need to consult with those doing it better to make sure you’re on the right track.

I’m sick of seeing talented coaches, trainers and clinicians burn out working crazy hours in person and then spinning their wheels in the online space because of shitty guidance, unqualified coaches and business “experts” asking you to do too much too soon, leaving you with even shittier results and then blaming you for not working hard at it.

As a beginner, you deserve a coach and program that’s specifically tailored to where you are. Who will teach you everything from zero. Who doesn’t assume you already know things. Who’s patient and supportive and non-judgmental.

You deserve a team of cheerleaders who will hold you accountable, support you when you’re struggling and keep you on track when things get hard.

I’m so glad you’re here and I’m so glad you’re finally READY to do things the RIGHT WAY.

It’s an in-depth transformative coaching program working directly with Jill and the JillFit FBA Coaching Team to make sure you’re doing everything right in your business, not spending time on tasks and to-do’s that aren’t going leading to sales, AND ensure you’re generating revenue in your business ASAP.

It’ll help you go from a burned out coach, trainer or corporate employee to a digital business owner, confident in her abilities, signing new clients every month and knowing exactly what to do at every turn to be successful.

FBA is an up-close-and-personal business ACCELERATED program for motivated and action-oriented health, fitness, nutrition and wellness professionals who want to spend LESS time in the gym or the office and MORE time taking distance coaching clients and working from home.

The connections you can expect to make with other beginner online coaches and business owners are magical.

This upcoming round is the 8th round of FBA and those in the earliest round (2018) are now making multiple 6-figures online, in my high-level mastermind, doing collaborations together, are business partners, hosting podcasts, writing books and growing together, supporting one another.

These are friendships (and potential business partners!) to last a lifetime.

I wish something like FBA existed when I was getting started.

Upon purchase, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to all 13 main modules (not including bonuses trainings and sub-category trainings) will have handful of action steps to implement, along with some bonus resources like scripts, templates and worksheets to make action easier.

You can work through the material as fast or as slow as you’d like, and of course, you’ll have lifetime access.

We’ll reiterate all of these lessons on our live group calls.

Training #1 – Social Media Strategy, Ideal Client + Creating Credibility

Review of ongoing social media content strategy, identifying who you work with, what you help them with and how to “frame” yourself up using a Preframe for a killer IG bio and marketing

Training #2 – Create your High-Ticket 1:1 Coaching Offer + Your Signature Framework

Two quick tutorials on creating your 1:1 coaching offer and how to come up with your signature framework, which will help you market your coaching

Training #3 – Mastering the 3 Scenarios for Exactly How to Sell in Your DMs

Different scenarios you might encounter in your DMs and how to move warm leads toward a sale

Training #4 – The Energetics of Sales: Confidence, Conviction + Abundance

Training #5 – Tech 101 – Setting Up Your Email List + Optimizing for Lead Generation

Setting up your email ist, optimizing for lead generation and creating your nurture sequence

Training #6 – Create your freebie/first lead magnet to capture emails

Create your first evergreen lead magnet to capture emails to your list–knowing which type of lead magnet to create (PDF, course, webinar, challenge, 3-part video series, etc) and how to promote it

Training #7 – Intro to Marketing + How to Talk about your Offers in a Compelling Way

Introducing the Marketing Matrix and crafting your Signature Offer to start showcasing the value of your products and services in a more compelling way

Training #8 – Crafting a Landing Page + 10-Day Blueprint to Promote Your Freebie

The 10-day step-by-step formula for how to promote your new lead magnet on social media, featuring the 10-day Freebie Promo Blitz Strategy

Training #9 – Test out Your Offer with Beta Testing to Build Trust Before Selling

Use beta testing to build trust and generate social proof ahead of the sale, get your potential clients feeling included in the process and easily sell the full product later

Training #10 – Product Development: Knowing What to Sell + How to Make it Compelling

The who, what, why and how of creating your first product or program outside of 1:1 coaching, including group coaching, challenges, courses and DIY or self-paced products

Training #11 – Create Your Sales page

How to start, build and promote a continuity monthly membership, including retention tools, plus some key criteria that should be in place before launching

Training #12 – The JillFit 11-Day Product Launch Formula for How to Launch your Program

The signature JillFit 11-Day Launch Formula, including the step-by-step process for email strategy, social media strategy and how to predict your outcomes based on numbers/leads

Training #13 – Intro to Paid Traffic + How/When to Use It

This week’s training is hosted by Andy Franco, ads genius and Jill’s personal paid traffic team leader, general overview of FB and IG ads and when and how to start ramping them up

Any additional bonuses or extras from Jill and the JillFit team

We’ve tested this program at all kinds of price points (and coinciding access to me, or lack there of) and after tweaking and perfecting this program to get the absolute BEST results possible, here’s the deal.

If you’re like my previous FBA students, maybe you’ve never invested in your business before, ever. Besides, as service providers, we’re used to getting a job and immediately GETTING paid, not paying.

Lastly, and most importantly, I know that you WANT to be successful at this.

Given all of that, I’ve perfected the FBA offer for that.

And it includes a LOT of time with me—literally FBA’ers get more face time with me than most of my advanced clients, BECAUSE I know you need the accountability, the ongoing strategy and want to make sure you’re doing things right.

Which is why we meet every single week for 1-2 hours (Accountability Level) OR 1-2 hours monthly (Accelerated Level)–see below for details.

And lastly, and here’s a little meta business lesson for you … I want you to be PROUD of this investment! I want it to sting just a little bit because I know that …

I’ll never forget my first big business investment … you bet I attended all those calls and all those trainings!

So I’m not making it super cheap.

FBA is my most affordable business coaching offer.

I’ve done everything I could to perfect the combination of accessible for you, but also enough to make sure you have skin in the game. Because when you value your investment more, you’ll do what it takes to make sure you get the result.

NOTE: The VIP Level will be capped at only 40 students MAX since you’ll be working with Jill weekly (30 spots left!)

I want you to enroll in FBA.

Not because I’m trying to greedily take your money, but because I know how powerful this experience is for my students.

Many previous FBA students have shared how the program blew them out of the water, and felt as though they got their money’s worth in literally the first month, especially when a lot of them have tried to DIY it on their own or have even worked with other coaches and had a disappointing experience.

And coming into FBA, they made their investment back in the first 30-90 days.

And I think—if you have followed me on social or done any of my free trainings—you know that this level of strategy and tactical implementation is above and beyond what other coaches and programs are providing.

I realize you may be on the fence about investing so significantly in your business because you’re not sure you’ll be able to hack it, or you’re worried about it not working for you.

I get it. And I truly believe you deserve to work with someone who is as committed to your success as you are.

Which is why it was a no-brainer to offer a money-back guarantee.

I’m so confident in this program that if within 14 days, you don’t feel like this is for you, you can request a refund, no questions asked.

I’ve taken all the risk away for you.

If for any reason you decide that FBA isn’t the right fit for you, just shoot me an email within 14 days of the program starting and I’ll completely refund your investment.

All you need is the courage and self-trust to take the leap!​​​​​​​

Your enrollment is waiting for you.

FBA is my Signature Online Business course, chock full of literally ALL MY BEST PRACTICES, and not things that were working years ago and not just “theory”-in the trenches strategies working right now.

Yes, we are in the Trust Business, and we are going to build that through content creation and sharing, but FBA will help you ASK a lot faster, too.

This education is stripped down to only what is going to help you make a huge impact and significant income during our time together.

If you’ve been on the fence, now’s the time to take action so that you can continue growing and implementing.

FBA takes you on a journey into changing your mindset around what is possible for you, while giving you the exact tools and strategies to build your online business, not to mention an incredible support system of like-minded coaches who are all exactly where you are.

Over 500 people have gone through the program over the last 5 years and many of them have started their businesses, grew them to the point that they were able to quit their full-time gig or at the very least drastically cut back on their in-person training. Others have started online membership sites with dozens and even hundreds of members.

While others have gone on to speaking gigs, hosting in-person event and some are even business coaches in their own right! I am so proud of all the outcomes—financially yes, but more importantly mindset and community outcomes.

The FBA community has turned into partnerships, affiliate opportunities, team-coaching and I have even hired some of them at JillFit.

It’s time to decide what you want the next 3, 6, 12 months and beyond to look like.

You can continue trying to DIY-it, signing up for free stuff, trying to piece together what you should be doing …

OR, you can get on the rocketship with us and achieve guaranteed outcomes. Guaranteed success.

If you have been sitting on the fence for the last several month or years even, waiting for something to change so that you feel “ready enough,” …

See you on the other side. Xo, Jill

NOTE: The VIP Level will be capped at only 40 students MAX since you’ll be working with Jill weekly (30 spots left!)

That’s fine, that’s great. Most of women who will join FBA don’t have at least one of the following: a website, blog, business pages on social media. They know they want to, but don’t know where to start.

The FBA education takes care of the beginning stages in month #1 and month #2 (and even if you already have a blog and/or social media pages for your business, we teach you how to optimize all of that and start being consistent and more interesting ;)).

The goal for each participant is to have the direction, confidence and accountability to get stuff done, and more specifically, to get the right shit done! And ask for the sale as soon as possible.

This is a tricky question because the actual time that I need to you to spend on the monthly curriculum is actually fairly minimal, probably 1-3 hours a week—watching tutorials, tuning in for live trainings and interacting on our closed group page.

BUT, the amount of time that you will (or can) put into your own business is unlimited! I don’t know how long it’s going to take you to write a social media post or an email to your list, or create products and services. I could never say, and really, and this is the truth: the more you do, the more results you will get in terms of your own business outcomes. But I have women who are doing the minimum and gaining steam. It’s up to you. You get out of it what you put in.

This has come up a bunch, and it’s a great question. FBA is designed to help anyone whose business/endeavor/pursuit could benefit from building an online platform. This includes people outside the fitness industry—mostly those in the service industry, like design, coaching of any kind, creativity, clinicians, nurses, life coaches, doctors, PTs, etc. If you have a specific question about your industry, let me know.

Something a lot of people don’t think about is that: a larger online following and platform actually helps your in-person business. You’ll be pulled for more expert sourcing in local media, asked to speak more locally and have the opportunity to run online programs (for distance readers) at the same time you launching your in-person programs. They work very well. If you are interested in leaving your business and moving online 100%, we have had several women do just that over the course of FBA.

The beauty of FBA is that we work from The 3C’s “Ascension” Model:

The goal for each FBA student is to:

Each of the 3C’s over the course of their time with us. You’ll learn everything you need to know about all 3 offers and exactly how to launch each one!

You do not. We’ve had women all over the world in the group!

Of course. I’ll be coaching with you directly in our weekly live group sessions (Accountability Level) and monthly (Accelerated Level), giving you homework and customized strategy as applicable for your specific situation.

You will have access to all the materials as well as the others in the group for support in implementing the curriculum. However, I will not be doing customized coaching within the Facebook group, though I might jump in to moderate here and there.

Also, I have a special 1:1 coaching call rate for all FBA members if you’d like to jump on the phone with me at any time to gain some additional clarity, but honestly we are going to talking so much in our group calls, it’s all you’ll need to be successful.

Yes, that is correct. Financing is a luxury and I want to give people who are willing/able to invest up front an incentive to do so, so they’ll save an additional 20%. BUT, I also understand that every one has a different financial situation and financing can help, especially as they build their business and use the money they make to make their payments. The two options provide each different person a way to invest that will work for them.

For those who enroll in the Accountability Level, our weekly calls will be held on Tuesdays at 3pm EST/12pm PST. They usually last 1-2 hours and people pop on and off as needed. For those who enroll in Accelerated Level, the monthly calls will be the first Wednesday of every month at 3pm EST/12pm PST.

My #1 priority is making sure you’re successful, so I do everything in my power to lower the barrier to entry to make this doable for you, which is why I don’t require you have your videos on, etc. In fact, most people are doing other stuff while listening. You’ll be successful so long as you continue to expose yourself to these convos. Can’t make a live session, you’ll have access to all the recordings forever.

For best results, I recommend planning on making at least half of the sessions live.

You will need a computer for sure, you won’t be able to do everything on an iPad or phone. But the tutorials outline exact steps for everything, such as setting up a simple WordPress website, starting your email list, writing emails, creating pages on your site, adding a BUY button to your pages, starting your social media accounts, etc. BUT, make no mistake, technology is like learning a new language so if your brain is not used to it, there’s a learning curve. But the good news is that you jump in, mess up and learn as you go. There’s really no wrong way to do it.

If you are in the market for a computer, I always recommend getting an Apple product. They tend to have features that entrepreneurs find useful, like Photobooth, the ability to screenshot things, screen-capturing and design software, etc. But it’s not required, many gals have used PCs.

I promise you’ll be able to make this cash no problem!

Once you enroll, you’ll be added automatically to a special FBA email list, so please go and check your email right away. If you do not see anything within 2-5 minutes, please check your Junk email folder.

On Sunday September 3rd, you’ll get access to the entire FBA portal to go through as fast or as slow as you’d like.

We start together the week of September 25th but I will be in touch before then with additional details!

Yes, but not sure exactly when, but it definitely won’t be until 2024. 

There *is* real urgency in the online space as things are getting more saturated by the day. That’s not to scare you but to instead inspire you to start putting your footprint down sooner rather than later. There is plenty of business to be had, but as we are in the Trust Business, your success will grow over time and with more and more reps. So starting now is paramount.

And honestly, I’m just going to say it–there is NO beginner program better than FBA out there. That’s something I can guarantee.

NOTE: please understand that if you finance your investment, it is NOT a subscription that you can cancel anytime. We’re offering a payment plan as a courtesy to help you extend your payments over months to make things more manageable and be able to pay as you start making money.

Any questions, feel free to email me.

Feel free to email me [email protected] OR reach out to me on Instagram in the DM @jillfit.

As you know, I am not one to hard-sell you. To me, I want FBA to be a hell-yes for you! And I won’t waste both our times trying to “convince” you if you’re not ready to make major moves in 2023 and beyond.

I know the investment can feel scary, but the excitement should also be there even more so. And if it’s not, then this is probably not going to be a good fit for either one of us.

Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.

Click here to get this product at discounted price while it’s still available…

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This product is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Lean Building, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund you the entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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