Tyler Hynes’ Weight Loss, Workout Routine And Diet Plan

Tyler Hynes weight loss

Grab all the facts about the Canadian Actor and filmmaker Tyler Hynes’ weight loss, learn about his diet plan and fitness routine also take a look at his before and after pictures.

Tyler Jeffrey Hynes was born May 6, 1986, in Toronto, Ontario. He started acting professionally at the age of 8 after his parents enrolled him in the Young people theatre summer camp.

Tyler has appeared in so many different films and television series like Transporter, Star Trek: Discovery which helped him get nominated for different awards like, Best Performance-TV Drama Movie, Best Performance-TV Drama Series, Young Star Internet Award, etc.

But I guess you are not here to read about Tyler Hynes’ career achievements rather his weight loss which is trending on the internet like a hot cake.

And a lot of his fans have questions like, how did Tyler Hynes lose weight, is Tyler Hynes sick, what do Tyler Hynes workout routine and diet plan look like?

So if you’re one of his fans with the same questions mentioned above then today is your lucky day because I will be answering all the questions about Tyler Hynes’ weight loss in this article. Just keep reading.

Also read about; Olga Tanon’s Weight Loss, Find Out How She Was Able To 50 Pounds Of Weight.

How did Tyler Hynes Lose Weight

Tyler Hynes weight loss before

Image source @tyler_hynes Instagram

They were speculations that were making rounds on the internet that Tyler Hynes might have been sick and some of his fans think this might be the cause of the weight loss.

Although that is going on Tyler has never come out to refuse or accept the rumors.

Apart from the fact that he lost weight but also Tyler Hynes’ body looks toned which means he might be following a workout plan and also enjoying a healthy diet.

Recently Tyler Hynes posted on his Instagram a photo showing off his toned abs which left most of his followers admiring his physique and this made it clear that he must be working out for his next Christmas movie.

According to his current physique, I assume Tyler Hynes started following a healthy diet which basically included mostly food high in protein like chicken, eggs, fish, etc to help her burn fat and lose weight. 

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Tyler Hynes’ Weight Loss Workout Routine 

Tyler Hynes workout routine

Image source @tyler_hynes Instagram

Tyler Hynes has not yet come out to share his workout routine with his followers but you don’t have to worry about that if you want to have the same physique as Tyler, here are workouts that will help you get there as long as you put in the work and stay consistent.

We will be doing these exercises 6 days a week mixing weight training and strength training since our goal is to be lean like Tyler Hynes we will be taking short rest periods between sets. Let’s get to the workout.

Sets: 3

Reps: 12,10,8


  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell flyes
  • Lat pulldowns 
  • Cable rows
  • Shoulder press
  • Lateral raises
  • Shrugs


  • Squats
  • Jump squats
  • Weighted squats
  • Barbell front squats
  • Leg press
  • Lunges
  • Leg extension
  • Stiff-leg deadlift 


  • Squat press-up
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Snatch
  • Clean and jerk
  • Bulgarian squats
  • Deadlift
  • Sumo deadlift
  • Battle rope


  • Wide grip push-ups
  • Diamond push-ups
  • Biceps dumbbell curls
  • Barbell curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Triceps pushdowns
  • Triceps bench press
  • Triceps dumbbell kickbacks


  • Smith machine squats
  • Hack squats
  • Crusty lunges
  • Single leg pushdown
  • Hip thrusters
  • Hip abduction
  • Calf raises
  • Hyperextension 


  • Muscle-ups
  • Weighted archer pull-ups
  • Six count burpees 
  • Battle rope push-ups
  • Rope climb
  • Snatch
  • Deadlift
  • Tire flip

That’s all I have for you about Tyler Hynes’ weight loss workout routine I hope you find some time to try out some of these exercises, am sure will be surprised how powerful they are when you start seeing results.


Tyler Hynes’ weight loss is inspiring because when you look at his physique now you will definitely admire but what you have to keep in mind is, there is a lot of work that goes into that type of physique.

So if you also feel like you are ready to change the way you look then you can start now and with time you will be very proud of yourself when the results are in place.

Also read about; Mike Huckabee’s weight loss, Workout And Diet Plan

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