How much muscle can you gain and in what time?

muscle building

1) How much muscle mass can you put on?

2) How long does it take to build them?

3) How fast can you build them?

These answers are more important than you think.

For beginners, knowing the truth about the correct levels and limits of muscle gain, you know where they want to trick you when they offer you a product; program, dietary supplement, or fitness guru keeps telling you that it will help you build muscles faster than you actually can.

When you know that probably 95% of programs/add-ons/gurus do it on a daily basis, these answers are the key to protecting yourself from such “attacks” and false promises. Also important, when you know the real spoils and limits of muscle growth, you put realistic expectations on your progress and set realistic goals. Many people expect to gain more and faster muscles than they actually can.

For men, unrealistic expectations force them to skip the work program, from “stupid” to even “dumber,” where they look for impossible rapid muscle growth, which they couldn’t accomplish even with steroids. So when they’re not building about 10 pounds of muscle a week like they thought they would, they blame diet or training program, so they change that, although they probably shouldn’t.

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How much muscle can you get?

The experiences of many coaches, athletes, various researches come down to differences:

– Average male: a total of about 18-22 kg of muscle in life.

Remember that the only talk here is about muscles, not body weight. It is evident that you could gain much more weight in life than muscle. Also, keep in mind that these numbers are average. There are some exceptions that can either surpass or never reach these quantities, and there are many factors that affect what these numbers specifically mean to you. But, for most people, mostly this is the total maximum amount of muscle they can expect to get.

How fast can you build muscles, really?

That’s as much as you can get muscle in total. The question is, how long does it take to build them and how fast can you do it? Based on various experiences, research, and advice of successful trainers, it comes down to:

– Average male: between 120 and 250 grams of muscle per week (or about 500 to 1000 grams per month).

We’re strictly talking about muscles, not weight or pounds. In addition to muscles, the weight gained through that week may consist of water, fat, or glycogen. We’re not talking about those other components here. So, this is the spoils you can expect on the best of terms. Which means, an ideal training routine for building muscle with nutrition, the necessary amount of sleep, rest, recovery, consistent news, lack of stress, and so on? In fact, when everything around you is perfect, this is the unraveling of how quickly you can expect to build muscle.

Once again, these numbers are averages. Some can outdo them, and some can never reach them. The exact amount of muscle you can get weekly, monthly, or annually is based on individual factors that are specific only to you.

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6 factors affecting the total level and limits of muscle gain

Everything you’ve read so far, even though it’s almost true of most people, is still based on averages and generalization. Why? Because there are six basic factors that can change these things, and they can vary from person to person.

1. Steroids/Medications

This should not surprise anyone, adding steroids and/or various medications completely change how much muscle a person can gain and at what speed. When you see products that claim faster muscle growth, or people who have clearly crossed the line previously mentioned, there is a real chance that this did not come naturally.

2. Training experience levels

One simple fact about training is that everything is much faster when you are a beginner. Because of this, beginners consistently build muscles at the peak of the average level and possibly cross that line. However, the more experienced you are and the more muscle you build, the slower you will get new muscles.

What’s the difference? It seems that the amount of muscle you can build in the first year is greater than twice what you can build in the second year. Therefore, muscle gain will decline by 50% every subsequent year.

3. Muscular Return/Muscle Memory

Did you know that muscles can regain after you lose them and faster than you originally got them? Muscle memory is real and makes a significant difference. Unfortunately, like steroids, it is one of the many methods that trick people into thinking that they have achieved great results when building muscle, when in fact it is about getting once previously lost muscles.

4. Genetics

It is difficult to find a factor that influences muscle gain and gain rate more than genetics. Hormone levels, muscle length, bone structure, and much more, all play a big role in muscle building. Unfortunately, we can’t change genetics (although you can use some medications to increase hormone levels), so if you have unfavorable genetics for this, then you are limited. But you can still build muscles, only it will be slower and harder. The final result will be weaker than in someone with better genetics.

If you are, after all, a person with great genetics related to this topic, then congratulations. Enjoy all the results that genetics and work bring you.

5. Years

One example that won’t shock you. One 16-year-old for hot hormones will gain muscles much faster than one 50-year-old man, whose testosterone levels are much lower. It’s another bad fact of life (unless you’re the 16-year-olds).

In terms of muscle growth (and probably everything physiological), the younger you are, the better you are. The older you get, you have to expect things to go slower and worse for you.

6. Your training and nutrition

Finally, if your training and diet are well aligned, you can expect to build muscle faster than it would be if you trained less or malfunctioned. That seems obvious, but it didn’t stop people from training and eating.


Now you can set realistic goals and realistic expectations. At the same time, you can ignore many things imposed on you by the fitness and food industries. That is if you come across someone who claims to have achieved more muscle faster than is realistically possible or a product that claims to help you achieve the same, ignore it.

This person, or genetic exception, uses all medical supplies, restores lost muscles, misrepresents, lies, or tries to sell you something. And that person is actually all of the above.

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